Tribal Orphan Care

Jay Adivasi Mulnivasi International Foundation

Every Child is the future of our society and they should be nourished and encouraged properly to become responsible citizens of society. We are working for children who belong to tribal and marginalized societies. It is important to provide them with all the love, care, and support. And basically, this responsibility mainly is taken by their parents, but the children who have lost their mother or father or both in any accident or disease got identified as Orphans and have to struggle for everything which is so very basic like food, clothes, education, toys, love, care, shelter and protection and so much more that we usually get from our parents and families and often they end up fetching for themselves and fall into the traps of Child labor, and human trafficking. Considering this scenario, the Orphan Care Program at Jay Adivasi Mulnivasi International Foundation

aims to address the primary needs of tribal children who are greatly in need of care and protection. Our Orphan Care program is dedicated to providing quality support for tribal orphans to ensure them with basic necessities of life – providing them with food, clean water, regular medical check-ups, and education.